Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Thursday 7th January



Teaching Video - Add equal groups

Worksheet Add equal groups

Answer Sheet

Yesterday, the children in school had a go at doubles to 20 using Hit the Button - their challenge will be to beat that score today

English - Instructions

When writing instructions we need to use imperative verbs. Here is a a link and some activities to do to help to understand what they are Bitesize - imperative verbs

Spelling game - Right from Wrong (based on the spellings given on Tuesday)

Adults to write 3 words - 1 is the right spelling, 2 are wrong, can children spot the right spelling? If confident the child could do this task for the adult or a sibling


Ruth Miskin Training - YouTube 

(Set 3 lessons and reading longer words)

Wider Curriculum


How can we improve our physical health? Discuss what children do (in normal circumstances) to keep themselves physically healthy. 

Children should try to be active for an hour a day. Discuss hobbies, walking to school, playtimes, lunchtimes and our daily mile which all help towards our 1 hour a day. What else could they do to improve our physical health? Perhaps set a new year resolution.

PE - Dance

Children should be encouraged to match their movement to music, listening to the slow or faster pace and reflecting that in their movement. 

You could chose a dance lesson on Youtube or just choose your favourite singer and move to their songs. As always children should warm up beforehand and cool down afterwards.

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