Thursday, January 7, 2021

Friday 8th January


Please send work to


Children who are in Mrs Stones and my group, I have videoed my first reading lesson from school for you to watch Part 1Part 2 Book to read  Part 3 . I will video a second one focussing on comprehension for the beginning of next week.

Children who are in Mrs Pemberton's group, I have videoed a lesson for you to watch Save the Whale Reading Lesson 1 ,then please read Save the Whale (you will need to register with Oxford Owl but there is no fee - any problems let me know and I can try and video the book on screen for you to read) I will video a second lesson focussing on comprehension for the beginning of next week.

At school we read books 3 times over the week. The first time simply to learn how to read the words, the second time to develop expression and fluency and the third time to develop comprehension and understanding so the children can answer questions about the book by the final read.


Teaching Video - Multiplication using the symbol

Worksheet Multiplication using the symbol

Answer sheet

Extra Challenge (if you want it)


I have been really pleased with the instructions that have been sent to me this week. You are all using imperative verbs. 

For today I have some instructions for you to read and unjumble on how to make a sandwich. Look at each instruction, read the words, try and spot the imperative verbs (and capital letter) and then can you unjumble the words, then rewrite each instruction so they make sense.

How to make a sandwich muddled

Spellings - Test day

Wider Curriculum

Science - use of everyday materials

Look out of your window or in your garden or as you take your exercise, make a list of what materials you can see. Then think about what the materials are being used for? (e.g. wood is being used for a fence) Recording sheet - What different materials are used for Finally, think about and discuss, why that material is being used for that purpose?

Art (Just for fun - if it snows)

If there's enough snow, use the snow to see what you can make.

A snowman is too easy - can you make a snow pig? 

Rather than a snowball, can you make a snow sausage? 

Be imaginative - what can you mould the snow into? 

I can't wait to see the photos

If there isn't enough snow - why not create a snowy picture? 

Homework Menu - if it doesn't snow choose something from our homework menu to do instead. 

The homework menu isn't extra work to do - each week it will be given as one of the afternoon tasks for you to choose from

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