Friday, April 29, 2022

Homework week beginning 2nd May

 We are continuing to learn our times tables by heart. So this week we are looking at division facts. If children see that division is the opposite of multiplication they will see the numbers are the same as last week just reversed. We will learn these at school each day too and don't forget the game Hit the Button is a brilliant way of helping the children to learn these facts. 

Maths Homework

This week we have been looking at direction and position so I have set a MyMaths task linked to this. The only thing the children may need help with is identifying right angles as we haven't done much on these.


Reading for pleasure is so important, please make sure you find time to read together in whatever way is fun and enjoyable for you.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Homework week beginning 25th April


This half term we are focussing on learning our times tables by heart. Children need to learn these in any order so that when they see the times table they know the answer instantly. (There are a couple of children who know these already, I will give these x3 Times Tables to learn on Monday)

If you want to test yourself why not go on Hit the Button, choose Times Tables, x2 and either choose the answer or choose the question

Reading Homework

In school we are really focussing on comprehension ready for the tests in a few weeks. 
Here is a booklet similar to one of the reading tests the children will complete, you could either let your child do it on their own, then go through it, or work through it together.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Work for children isolating


Reading - Today we will read the final chapter of Hodgeheg. Feel free to read your own book if you don't have access to this book at home


Warm - up TT Rockstars

Today we are recapping multiplication and division - discussing what the signs and words mean, then completing the following questions

English - Today we will be writing up our discussion texts independently, using the plan we made from Tuesday. 
Don't forget we have been working on 
  • using question marks correctly
  • using different conjunctions
  • spelling homophones correctly in our writing

R.E - This afternoon we will recap the work we did last term on Easter, what can the children remember about why we celebrate Easter? We had 2 new words we were looking at disciples and resurrection - can they remember what they mean and why they are important in the Easter story? If time we will look at parts of the Miracle Maker to help their understanding further Jesus - Miracle Maker (Animated) - Bing video

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Work for children isolating


Reading - Today we will be reading Chapter 7 and 8 of Hodgeheg. If you do not have access to this book, why not choose a book you are reading and spend some time reading for pleasure.


Warm up - TT Rocktstars

Today I would like the children to work on estimating where numbers are on a number line with this game Placing Numbers on a Number Line - Tablet Version - Mathsframe (0-100) 

Then have a try at these 2 problems

English - We are hoping to watch some of the filming of our production this morning, whilst you are waiting for the link to be sent out - could you write a few sentences summarising the play. What is it about? Who are the main characters? Which parts do you think others will enjoy?

Art - This afternoon the children will be continuing to mix colours with powder paint to make different oranges/reds/yellows to add colour to the flames you drew on Friday. If you don't have paint why don't you draw the flames and use whatever colours you have to show the different colours of the flames - remember they start off yellow at the bottom, turning orange and almost red by the top of the flames.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Work for children isolating


Handwriting - Today we are continuing to use the diagonal join when joining l and u together and then k and y. We will also be recapping joining "and"

English - Today we are going to be planning our own discussion text, choosing our own person to write about and discuss if they would make a good mayor - children can choose someone else from the play or a favourite person or anyone they wish. Today we will plan this and then write it independently later in the week.

Maths - Today we are working on missing numbers in sequences. Each question we will look at what we know about it before we find the missing numbers. Here is a game to play Sequences - Tablet Version - Mathsframe plus some questions to answer

R.E - This afternoon we are talking about Ramadan as it started on Saturday. What can the children remember about it from our previous lessons? If they need prompts these might help 
We will discuss the importance Muslims place on "thinking of others" during Ramadan and the calendar some have with a kind deed each day to do during Ramadan . Could we think of just 1 thing to do for others during Ramadan?

Monday, April 4, 2022

Work for children isolating


Spelling - Can you write some calculations in words to help you learn the spellings this week?

Maths - Today we have been looking at some tens and ones problems. Here are some for you to solve and talk about at home

English - today we had a shared write, together we wrote a discussion text titled "Is Harvey Hare a good choice for Mayor?" I wonder if you can write one at home - don't forget the sentences starters we have been using to improve our discussion -

P.E - Doncaster Rovers Coaches are in this afternoon working on sending and receiving skills, I wonder what you can do in your garden to work on these skills? Do you have something you can use to hit balls with? Or can you look at different ways you can get a ball from one side of the garden to the other. If its raining - why don't you choose a Cosmic Yoga to do inside? Find a way to get yourself moving and don't forget to have fun!

Friday, April 1, 2022

Homework for week beginning 4th April

 Here are the spellings we will be learning at school this week. If you have time it would be great if the children could learn them at home too. The spelling test will be on Friday.

Maths Homework
This week in school we have been recapping some topics we have already done earlier in the year. I have set 2 different tasks to do on MyMaths for the children to complete.