Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Work for children isolating


Spellings - continue to look at plurals and their spellings - why don't you talk through this?


Warm up - TT Rockstars or MyMaths or Hit the Button


Today we will continue to plan our own changed Dick Whittington story. Here is the plan the children will be using at school to write down their ideas. It is important the children just write the ideas not the story - that will come tomorrow.

Today we will do some research on the laptops to learn more about the Plague and The Great Fire of London as next lesson we will be writing a diary about it, showing all that we have learned over the last couple of weeks. 

Here is an old clip of Magic Grandad going back in time to the Great Fire of London which will give some more information about it.

The children should use their research skills remembering to put "KS1" or "for children" in the search engine so the information is easier for them to read and understand.

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