Here are the spellings we will be learning to spell at school this week. If you have time it would be great if the children could learn them at home too. The spelling test will be on Friday
A place for everyone related to Leopard Class to access resources to help with their learning or just show what they're up to.
Here are the spellings we will be learning to spell at school this week. If you have time it would be great if the children could learn them at home too. The spelling test will be on Friday
The link below has the lines for the 2 main scenes that Andes Class are in for our play. (Your child should know who they are.) You will see there aren't many lines to learn but the children do need to know them by heart and when to speak.
I have found the song on YouTube being performed by some older students if the children want to sing along/get inspiration.
Hare and Co. - Zoom! - YouTube
Please can costumes be brought into school as soon as possible (named so we don't get them confused)?
Thanks for all your help with this
Here are the spellings we will be learning to spell at school this week. If you have time it would be great if the children could learn them at home too. The spelling test will be on Friday
Spelling Test
Warm up - TTRockstars/ MyMaths/ Hit the Button
Teaching Video - equivalence 1 half 2 quarters
Worksheet - equivalence 1 half 2 quarters
Today we are going to enjoy a range of dragon poems. I will ask the children to read them all in groups, act them out or illustrate them if they wish and then chose their favourite to perform to the rest of the class. We will talk more about dragons in English next week - this is just to get the children talking and excited about dragons.
Pirate Challenge!
Can you design or make a boat that could sail out and rescue
Pirate Pat? You will need to think about what materials you are going to use:
Which material is the best at being waterproof? Which material is the best at
Reading - Here is a non-fiction book for you to read about London, as we have been learning about it in History All about London
Warm up - TTRockstars/MyMaths/Hit the Button
Teaching Video - Non-unit fractions
Worksheet - Non-unit fractions
Today I would like the children to finish their story. Before they start they should read through what they did yesterday to check it makes sense and to spot anything that needs changing and then finish the story.
Today I will be asking the children to pretend to be a diarist like Samuel Pepys. We will act out being alive at the time of the Plague and the Great Fire of London and discuss what we might have seen or done. Then I would like the children to write a diary explaining what it was like to be around during the Plague and then another one from a day whilst The Great Fire of London was blazing - showing all that they have learned in History these last few weeks.
Reading for pleasure
Warm up - TT Rockstars/MyMaths/Hit the Button
Teaching Video - Unit Fractions
Today we will be writing the first part of our changed Dick Whittington story, using the ideas we came up with yesterday. I do not want the children to write the whole story today as it may be rushed and not as detailed as it could be, so the children should only write up to where the main character is asked to give something away. We will finish it tomorrow.
Don't forget I am looking out for expanded noun phrases, apostrophes for possession and careful sounding out if you don't know how to spell a word, as well as the usual other things.
Here is the link from last week for the dance for Great Fire of London, in school we only managed the first 2 episodes.
If you completed all of these why not find a Cosmic Yoga on a theme you like?
Spellings - continue to look at plurals and their spellings - why don't you talk through this?
Spellings - We will talk today about how when there is more than one of something, it can change the word. e.g. more than 1 mouse are called ...... mice, can the children think of any more?
Mostly though when there is more than 1 of something we just add an s or es e.g. 1 boy, 2 boys, 1 bush, 2 bushes
Today we are looking at when words end in y, sometimes we have to change it to an "i" (like we have done when adding suffixes before) - then we add es - that's what is happening in our spellings this week.
We will write the singular, then rub out the y and add ies to make it plural and repeat to reinforce this.
Warm up - TT Rockstars/MyMaths
Teaching Video - recognise a third
If you need to finish your story from last week, please do this, we finished this in school on Friday
Today we will start to think about writing our own changed Dick Whittington story (see the blog from last Tuesday for the Dick Whittington story we have learned by heart at school) - today we will think about who are main character will be in our story. I will encourage the children to draw their main character - remember they must be either poor or sad or lonely at the beginning, what will they look like? What will their name be? Then I will ask the children to write a few sentences using expanded noun phrases (Here is a reminder link below of what an expanded noun phrase is but we have been looking at them in school for the last couple of weeks)
We will be doing some investigations this half term on different materials and their uses according to their properties
I will talk the children through how to do an investigation and how to keep it fair
Here are the spellings we will be learning to spell at school this week. If you have time it would be great if the children could learn them at home too. The spelling test will be on Friday
Spelling Test
Warm up - TT Rockstars (let me know if you need your username and password)
Teaching Video - Find a quarter
Continue writing the changed Dick Whittington story - see previous day for plan of the story. Just write the problem section today. Don't rush this - we will finish this on Monday.
In school we have been working on Word Processing, using Word to create information posters, we have looked at the tools below. Can the children explain what each one is or what it does? If you're unsure, perhaps you could go on Word and refresh your memory.
Read along with Vlad and the Great Fire of London
Warm up - TT Rockstars
Teaching video - Recognise a quarter
Worksheet - Recognise a quarter
We are going to start writing a different version of the Dick Whittington. I am going to choose the character this time, next week the children can add in their own. We are going to change Dick to Diana - see the changes below
Warm - up - TT Rockstars
Today we will start to think about how we can change part of the Dick Whittington story. How could we change the main character? Who could we replace Dick with? Someone else who is poor? What might their name be? What might they look like? As we have been working on extending our sentences, I will ask the children to write a descriptive sentence about them
Instead of
There was a poor, scullery boy called Dick who worked in Mr Warren's grand house - what could we change it to?
What if the main character wasn't poor but sad? What could that character be called? What might they be like? Can the children write a sentence about this made up character they have created ? Don't forget the adjectives and extra detail.
What if the main character was lonely? Think about what descriptions you might use for them. Think about characters you have read about before to help inspire. Then write a sentence about them.
If time we will think about how the characters will change at the end of they story from poor to rich, sad to happy, lonely to lots of friends. Then write some sentences about them at the end of the story.
P.E - Dance
Here are a series of 3 dance lessons where the children get to act out helping with the Great Fire of London - if you don't have time to do them all today, don't worry, save them for another afternoon.
Spelling - Continue to learn the spellings (see Homework blog below )
Warm up - counting forwards and backwards in 2s, 2 times tables practice
Teaching Video - Recognise a half
We started by telling the story of Dick Whittington,
Then we completed the boxing up sheet - thinking about the different parts of the story. Can you?
Today we learned about the Great Fire of London and put the events in order. Use your search skills on the internet to see what you can learn about the Great Fire of London - remember put in KS1 or for children so that what you find will be easier for you to read. Then can you decide which order these cards should go in? You could even make your own timeline
Here are the spellings we will be learning to spell at school this week. If you have time it would be great if the children could learn them at home too. The spelling test will be on Friday