Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Work for children isolating

 (Please complete Tuesday and Wednesday's Maths and English before completing Thursday's work)



Teaching video - compare lengths

Worksheet - compare lengths


In class we will be continuing to try to learn the story of Burglar Bill by heart, using the pictures we drew yesterday and adding our own actions as we read it.

Then we are going to think of some adjectives to describe Burglar Bill, using a thesaurus to improve and widen our adjectives. Next we will write some descriptive sentences about Burglar Bill. I will challenge the children to write extended sentences with more than one description of him in each sentence. If time we will also write about Baker Bill at the end too.


We will continue to learn more about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot. 

We will look at some pictures of York so the children can link it with a place some may have visited and talk about Guy Fawkes coming from our locality.

Finally I will ask the children to answer the questions:

Who is Guy Fawkes? 

Why are we learning about him? 

Why did he do what he did? 

Why do we remember this each year?


We will discuss what a family is. We will discuss different kids of families we and others have but that they are all characterised by being based on love and care.

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