Friday, November 26, 2021

Homework week beginning 29th November

Here are the words we will be learning to spell in school this week. If you have time it would be great for the children to learn them at home too. The spelling test is on Friday

Maths Homework

There is another MyMaths money task set for the children to do. We have started learning about multiplication this week in school so that they have a better understanding of what x means. Feel free to keep working on times tables on TT Rockstars too so that they can begin to see the connection 

Other things we have been learning this week:

In RE the children have been learning about what it means to be Jewish and have started looking at Hanukkah which is celebrated next week

In Science we have been sorting and grouping using different tables and diagrams. We sorted pictures  into "living", "never living" and "dead". Then did some research and sorted animals into "carnivores", herbivores" and "omnivores" as part of our learning about foodchains.

In PSHE we had a lovely discussion about friendship and what it means to be a friend

Why don't you ask them all about it and see what they can remember! 

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