Sunday, June 14, 2020

Summer Half Term 2 Week 3

Weekly Maths Tasks 

and don't forget

⭐TT Rockstars
⭐ Hit the Button
⭐ Learning to tell the time

Weekly English Tasks (plus daily reading) 

(These are 2 week units of work)

Spellings  - Common exception words
For the rest of this half term I would like the children to recap the set of tricky words it is expected for their year group to be able to spell by the end of the year. This is a chance to not only recap spellings but also work on handwriting too. Each week I would suggest a child does 1 page each from the booklets

Weekly Wider Curriculum Tasks

Geography - Did you notice anything about where the hot and cold countries were? 
The nearer they are to the top  and bottom of the world (North and South Poles) the colder they are. The nearer they are to the middle (the equator) the hotter they are. Some divisions of the earth 
Now look at a world map and see which other countries are hot and cold by seeing where they are in the world or you could teach someone in your house all about this and test them.

Science - The Environment  - Become an Energy Expert then use the Survey sheet to see how you are doing in your own home

DT - Planning - This week you will start to plan what you are going to make. (Remember you are reusing something and turning it into something new for yourself or someone in your family.) This planning sheet might help. You need to think carefully about what it will be made of, what materials and tools you will need to make it, who it is for and what you hope it will look like. On your design, label the drawing so that you can remember what you want to use. Think carefully about each step you will need to take to make it.

Picture News - Virtual assembly 15th June

Story: One parent’s solution to helping her children manage money during the lockdown period was to buy a vending machine for the family!

Question: How should we learn to manage our money?

PSHE - Everybody Worries  - This is a very simple, picture book dealing with worries and the Corona virus.
Looking for positives - This is an activity encouraging children to think more positively about things

RE Ongoing Task


We would like you to learn more about the Churches in your local area. 
What are they called? How are they the same and how are they different? 
Think about why they are special to some people. Talk to people who have been inside to find out more about what is the same and different inside and why that might be.
 Can you work out what all or most Churches seem to have?
You could also research 1 or more of the Churches and find about their history 
or even do some Art or DT work inspired by them.

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