Monday, January 31, 2022

Work for children isolating


Spellings - see homework. In class we talked about how the e has been taken off the words before adding - ing and ed, and about the words that don't end with -ing and -ed. This helped the children to remember how to spell them

Reading - why not choose a book from home or on the internet to read and enjoy together? 


Warm up -  continue to learn to count in 5s

Teaching Video - Make Tally charts

Worksheet - Make Tally Chart


Today we started our new English unit about instructions so today I just wanted to see what the children knew about instructions - we talked about when we see them e.g. cooking, helping to build things etc. Once we knew they were to tell people how to do something and that we could be bossy with them. The children had a go at writing instructions for the Year 1s about how they could have a healthy day. We thought back to our work in PSHE about how much sleep to have, keeping clean, getting exercise, what to eat, how to be happy. Then the children had a go at writing instructions on what they Year 1s need to do to be healthy. Have a go and see how you get on - I will help the children more with these as the week goes on - this is just a have a go activity.


Doncaster Rovers coaches are in again this afternoon working on throwing and catching. I wonder if you can make up a game which needs throwing and catching. You will need rules and a scoring system. Have fun!

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