Monday, January 31, 2022

Work for children isolating


Spellings - see homework. In class we talked about how the e has been taken off the words before adding - ing and ed, and about the words that don't end with -ing and -ed. This helped the children to remember how to spell them

Reading - why not choose a book from home or on the internet to read and enjoy together? 


Warm up -  continue to learn to count in 5s

Teaching Video - Make Tally charts

Worksheet - Make Tally Chart


Today we started our new English unit about instructions so today I just wanted to see what the children knew about instructions - we talked about when we see them e.g. cooking, helping to build things etc. Once we knew they were to tell people how to do something and that we could be bossy with them. The children had a go at writing instructions for the Year 1s about how they could have a healthy day. We thought back to our work in PSHE about how much sleep to have, keeping clean, getting exercise, what to eat, how to be happy. Then the children had a go at writing instructions on what they Year 1s need to do to be healthy. Have a go and see how you get on - I will help the children more with these as the week goes on - this is just a have a go activity.


Doncaster Rovers coaches are in again this afternoon working on throwing and catching. I wonder if you can make up a game which needs throwing and catching. You will need rules and a scoring system. Have fun!

Friday, January 28, 2022

Homework week beginning 31st January

 Here are the spelling we will be learning at school this week. If you have time, it would be great if the children can learn them at home too. The spelling test will be on Friday.

Maths Homework

I have set some more times table homework on MyMaths following our work on division this week. I have also reset TT Rockstars so it is mainly 2s 5s and 10s for the children to work on, if they want to.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Work for children isolating


Spelling Test

Reading - Have a final read of your book and then answer the questions at the back. Enjoy!


Warm up - let's work on our number formation - making sure we start each number at the top.

Teaching Video - dividing by 10

Worksheet - divide by 10


Today is your chance to finish your stories. Take your time, remember capital letters, full stops, suffixes, contractions and tall and low letters in your handwriting. I look forward to reading it. Don't forget to read it through when you are finished to make sure it makes sense and you are happy with all the spellings and handwriting.

Computing (unplugged) - Our new topic is algorithms

Watch this video about algorithms. An algorithm is a set of instructions. Have a go at using arrows to draw 4 different algorithms for the beebot using this Can you work out where your algorithm will take the beebot?

Remember, a left and right arrow means TURN, not move!

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Work for children isolating


Phonics - each week we are recapping how to spell a long vowel sound - this week it is the i sound. Discuss the different ways I can be spelt in words then call out the words from the spelling mat and see if your child knows which spelling it is.

Spellings - Keep learning those contraction spellings - the test will be tomorrow


(In school we didn't manage to get on to the odd and even yesterday so if you are the same feel free to do this instead - we will just put each one back a day. TT Rockstars has now been updated - apologies for this - it went back to factory mode. Feel free to keep working on this too)

Warm up

Counting in 5s - forwards and backwards

Teaching video - Divide by 5

Worksheet - divide by 5


Today we are focussing on learning how to edit and improve our work, before we finish our stories tomorrow.

Have a look at this piece of work, can you spot how it can be improved? Can you improve it? There is a mistake on nearly every line - either a spelling error or forgetting to make the tall or low letters stand out.


 Once you have finished, have a look at your work from yesterday - is there anything in your writing that needs improving? (We'll finish our stories tomorrow)


This is our first lesson of R.E this half term. As we start to look ahead to celebrations in other religions and of course Easter coming up, I would like the children to: 

Think about any celebrations your family have?

Is that weekly or annually? This may include birthdays, weddings, sporting achievements, cultural events and religious events. What are the stories that get told at  big celebrations?

Think about food, music, venue, how it is celebrated

Discuss why celebrations are important and establish that each celebration is held for a reason. What celebrations or festivals do they know about? Which religions do they come from? What are the celebrations about? What do people do to celebrate? (Don't worry if there aren't any)

Does anyone know what celebrations are coming up soon? Does everyone celebrate or just some people?

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Work for children isolating


Reading - today have a look at the speedy words at the back of the book, read through these a few times then have another read of the story. Try and read it even more fluently today.


Warm up - TT Rockstars

Teaching Video - Divide by 2

Worksheet - Divide by 2

Teaching Video - Odd and Evens (Only if they do not know which numbers are odd and even)

Worksheet - Odds and Evens


Today we are going to write the first half of our stories. I don't want the children to write the whole story today as they may rush it and not include all the words and detail from the Pied Piper story they learned. Don't forget to use the pictures from yesterday to help remember what you want to change


Choose 1 of the Cosmic Yoga episodes to do

Library Time

Choose a book to read on your own or with someone at home - just for pleasure

Monday, January 24, 2022

Work for children isolating


Reading - Second read - Read through the story words and the red words again. Then have a second read of the book.


Warm up - counting in 2s, 5s and 10s


Teaching Video - Make equal groups - grouping (recap)

Worksheet - Make equal groups grouping (recap)

Teaching Video - Make equal groups - sharing

Worksheet - Make equal groups - grouping


Using all we have learned from the Pied Piper, the children are now going to plan their own story. They can change whatever they want - character, rats, pipe but they must use most of the same words from the story and keep it as a warning story with a lesson to learn. Today we will plan it - drawing pictures to show what will happen and to help them write the story tomorrow and the next day.


This is the final Geography lesson. Can you show off what you know?

What is a village? What is a town? What is a city? Watch this again if they have forgotten

Can you sort these local places into villages/towns/cities?

Leeds, Goole, Carlton, Selby, York, Camblesforth

What are human features? What are physical features?

Watch this again and do the activities

Finally what is an Ordnance Survey map?

Can you draw a map of a room in your house? Remember draw it like you are looking from above.

Work for children isolating

Spellings - This week our spelling are all contractions. Here is a video as a reminder of what they are (the activities are more for older children). Can they write the words before they were changed into contractions? Remember each one was 2 words

Reading - Look at the new sounds, new story words and new red words for your new books and then begin to read the story. Don't worry if you find it tricky - we did today. We will be reading this every day.


Mental Warm up - counting in 2s, 5s and 10s


Teaching Video Y1 Make equal groups by sharing recap

Worksheet Make equal groups by sharing recap

Teaching Video Make equal groups - sharing

Worksheet make equal groups by sharing


In school we are finishing writing our Pied Piper stories - can your child tell you the story? Then tell you what they changed and what they kept the same?


Doncaster Rovers are in working on throwing and catching this afternoon. I wonder if you can find things around the house to throw and catch safely with. Starting off with bigger things and then reducing the size or increasing the distance.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Homework week beginning 24th January


Here are the words we will be learning to spell at school this week. If you have time, it would be great if the children can learn them at home too. The spelling test will be on Friday.

Maths Homework

As we have been recapping multiplication this week, I have set some timetables homework for the children to complete on MyMaths. If they enjoy that and want some more don't forget there is always TT Rocktstars to play on too.

Other things we have been learning this week:

In Geography we have been learning about different maps and what towns, villages and cities are. On Thursday we took a walk into Carlton to look at what human features there are before adding them to our own maps. 

In Science we have been learning about different materials and how we choose materials according to their suitability for their purpose. See if they can tell you what transparent and opaque mean or maybe see if they can do your recycling.

In PSHE we have started to talk about keeping ourselves healthy. We have talked about getting the right amount of sleep, keeping ourselves clean and getting exercise. This week we started discussing how to look after out Mental Health, I wonder if they can tell you what ideas we came up with.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Homework week beginning 17th January

Here are the words we will be learning to spell at school this week. If you have time it would be great if the children could learn them at home too. The test will be on Friday.

Maths Homework
I have set homework on MyMaths where the children are using number lines to add. We have been adding and subtracting on number lines this week however we have been using empty ones - the children can draw their own if they prefer or use any method that works for them.

Don't forget to read for pleasure whenever and wherever you can!

Friday, January 14, 2022

Work for children isolating


Spelling Test - ly words (see homework on blog)


Teaching Video - subtracting two digit numbers crossing tens

Worksheet - subtracting two digit numbers crossing tens


First let's practise telling the story of The Pied Piper that we have been learning all week. If you forget any - look back on previous days to remind yourself of the story.

This is a Warning story and many warning stories have the same parts to it. 



A problem needs solving


Build up

Someone comes along to solve the problem



Something goes wrong



Everything gets sorted out



A lesson is learned

Have a look at this plan and see if you write the different parts of the Pied Piper story into the different boxes. We call this boxing up.


Look at the table below and gather the objects (or you could choose some objects of your own!). 

Which materials can you squash?

Which materials can you bend?

Which materials can you twist?

Which materials can you stretch?

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Work for children isolating


Reading comprehensionNew Year Celebrations (Please complete either the 2 or 3 star sheets)


Teaching video - subtracting two 2 digit numbers (not crossing tens)

Worksheet - Subtracting two 2 digit numbers (not crossing ten)


Let's see how much of the Pied Piper story we have remembered. See previous days for the story if you still need some help. 

Now let's finish our writing from yesterday- what might the Pied Piper have written to his Dad about his day in Hamelin? Can you include any words with the suffix -ly (like we have been learning in school)?


At the end of last lesson we started thinking about human features and physical features (see previous video) can the children name any human or physical features?

Let's learn more about them from this PowerPoint

Now can you sort these pictures into human and physical? 

If you finish quickly why don't you split your a sheet of paper in 2 and on one side draw as many human features that you can think of and on the other as many physical features as you can think of.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Work for children isolating


Spelling - continue to learn the ly words from the Blog for the test on Friday


Teaching video - adding 2 digit numbers (crossing tens)

Worksheet - adding 2 digit numbers (crossing tens)


We will start by recapping what we learned of our Pied Piper story yesterday then continue to learn the rest of our version of the story by heart. Don't forget the actions!

As a short writing activity, the children will pretend to be the Pied Piper, writing to  Dad telling him about what happened in Hamelin. This will probably need to be finished tomorrow. This word mat might help with some spellings. 


Think back to last session when we looked at different materials and their properties. Now look at this picture of a house 

Can you name all of the materials the house would be made of and write some sentences to explain why the materials you have chosen are the most suitable?

Remember – suitable means the material is right for the job!

Example: Glass is more suitable for the windows because it is transparent and waterproof. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Work for children isolating


ReadingThe Owl who was afraid of the dark (Chapter 2)


Teaching Video -  adding tens and ones not crossing tens

Worksheet - adding tens and ones not crossing tens


We will start by recapping/summarising the story of The Pied Piper from yesterday.

Then begin to start learning our version of the story by heart, coming up with actions to help remember the words.

It is too much to learn all of this  in one go so once the children have learned a good chunk we will look back at the story starter for our story 

"In the quiet town of Hamlin, there was a problem because it was full of rats!"

This isn't our usual way of starting a story but stories can start in lots of different ways - what other story starters do we know? (Once upon a time, One day,........)

Here are a few other story starters that we will display in the classroom - we will look through these and decide which we like best or think about when they might work best.


We will look at the Ordnance Survey map of Carlton and the surrounding area (photo below) and see what we recognise. We will discuss what an Ordnance Survey map is (detailed map made by the Government) and as it is so detailed they have to use symbols to show things rather than writing words or showing pictures. Using the map, can we find what picture/letters they use to show different features? Ordnance Survey symbols

If time we will begin to discuss which of these are physical features and which are human features What are human and physical features? BBC Bitesize

Monday, January 10, 2022

Work for children isolating


Reading -Chapter 1 Reading comprehension Don't forget to look back at the text to find the answers


Teaching Video - Adding 3 one digit numbers

Worksheet - adding 3 one digit numbers


Today we are getting to know the story The Pied Piper as we will be learning a version of this story to help us to write our own Warning story. 

Start by watching this The Pied Piper of Hamelin, then can you act the story out, maybe using toys or making your own puppets with paper?

P.E - Dance

There are 3 sessions all linked to the Pied Piper story so see how many you can get through - you can always do another one another day.

Session 1 Rats everywhere!

Session 2 - The rats are led away

Session 3 - The children follow

Friday, January 7, 2022

Homework week beginning 10th January

 Here are the words we will be learning to spell at school this week. If you have time it would be great if the children could learn them at home too. The test will be on Friday.

Maths Homework

There is some MyMaths homework on number bonds and doubles for the children to complete. We have been working on number bonds this week but haven't covered double and halves as much so the children may need more help with this.

Work for children isolating



Reading for pleasure ( a chance to share a book and chat about it as you read)


Teaching video - check calculations

Worksheet - check calculations


Before we start our work next week on learning a warning story. I am going to ask the children to write a story (without any help) so I can see what they will need help with throughout the unit. 

I would like the story to be about some animals escaping from the zoo. I will explain that in a warning story something goes wrong that needs to be put right and a lesson is learned at the end so it doesn't happen again. So we will talk briefly about why the animals might have escaped - whose fault might it be? Then I will ask the children to write a story about this all on their own. (If this could be emailed to school it will help me to plan for next week)


Lesson 2 - Use of everyday materials

Recap from last lesson - how many different materials can you think of?

This Materials and their uses (clip compilation) - KS1 Science - BBC Bitesize might help to give you some ideas. Now talk about their properties - this mat might help

How many of each material can you find around your home? Use the chart below to go around your home and record a tally each time you see something made of each material. When you have found your totals, see if you can answer the questions.

Which material did you find the most of?

Which material did you find the least of?

Were there any materials you didn’t find at all?

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Work for children isolating


Reading - Read Chapter 1 of The Owl who was afraid of the Dark


If 1+ 9 = 10 what are the matching subtractions? 10 - 1 = ? or 10 - 9 = ?

If 2 + 8 = 10 what are the matching subtractions? 10 - ? = ? or 10- ?= ?

If 3 + 7 = 10 what are the matching subtractions? 10 - ? = ? or 10 - ? = ?

If 4 + 7 = 10 what are the matching subtractions? 10 - ? = ? or 10 - ? = ?

Now I would like you to work on your subtractions within 20 on Hit the Button. If you need to, start by putting the first number in your head then counting back on your fingers. Keep going until you start to learn a few by heart or you get quicker.


Today we are learning about Adverbs

Can you find the adverbs in the poem from yesterday?

Could you change any of the adverbs? Here are some adverb ideas to help

Now write out your changed poem. It doesn't need to rhyme as not all poems do but you must remember to start on new lines .


Our new Geography topic is the UK and maps. 

We'll start by seeing what we can remember from our last Geography topic. 

Can we name the 7 continents of the world? 

Can we name the 5 oceans ?

Can we name the countries of the UK and the capital cities?

Where do we live? Country? Continent? Village?

Can we find it on any maps? Do we recognise the names of any places near where we live?

We will look at at Ordnance Survey Maps and see what we can see, beginning to look at the different symbols that are used.

Finally we begin to learn about  Cities, towns and villages

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Work for children isolating



Reading Comprehension


Today we have been learning how to use empty numberlines to help us with different number bonds. As this is quite difficult to work on at home, why not practice your number bonds to 10, 20 on Hit the Button as well as other additions. Remember if you don't know the answer - put one number in your head and then count on with your fingers. Keep working on these until you can do these in your head.


We looked at the poem The day the zoo escaped today. 

We enjoyed reading it and acting it out. 

We found all the words with the suffix (word ending) "ly", can you find them? 

Then we talked about how we could change the animals for other animals who might have escaped from the zoo. We crossed out the animals we wanted to change and wrote the animal neatly above it. You don't have to change all the animals if you don't want to. 

Finally we talked about how we knew it was a poem because it wasn't written in full sentences, each line started on a new line and that it rhymed. Then we found the words that rhymed, can you? (They are at the end of some of the lines.)


Our new Science topic is Use of Everyday Materials. We looked around us at and recapped all the different materials things were made of e.g. metal, wood, fabric, plastic, glass. Then we thought about each material's properties using these words. Can you write some sentences about different materials and what they are like. We are particularly learning what transparent and opaque mean.