Friday, October 15, 2021

Homework week beginning 18th October

Here are the words we will be learning to spell at school this week. They are homophones, words that sound the same but have different meanings. If you have time it would be great for the children to learn them at home too. The spelling test will be on Friday.

Maths Homework

This week we have been starting to add and subtract 2 digit numbers however quite a few children weren't confident at adding numbers up to 10 together so the maths games I have chosen encourage the children to get more fluent and confident at this. We encourage them to use fingers or put one number in their head and count on or back if they don't yet know the answer by heart. Ideally they should be working these out quickly or knowing the answers by heart with practice.

Reading Homework

Please can library books be returned on Wednesdays unless not finished

Reading books back on Monday and then they will go home again on Thursday

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