Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Thursday 4th March


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World Book Day

(World Book Day Link to live author events at 10.30)

Take some time today to talk about books with your family. 

What are your favourites? Why? Is there a type of book or story you like best? 

Do you have a favourite author? Who and why? 

What do you like about reading/books?


In the night comprehension lesson for Mrs Burton's reading group

Mrs Pemberton's group - reading for pleasure - choose a book from the Sora app if you haven't done already and read. Perhaps when you finish your book you could write about it so it can help other children to decide if they want to read it or not


If you finish quickly why not try these:


Hit the Button




Diana Whittington Boxing up to help the children remember the changes. 

I would like the children to write the first half of the Diana Whittington story today (opening, build up, problem if time), it is important that they only change what I have suggested (character and animals) so that they are still using the structure and vocabulary from the original story in their own writing. (That is why we learned the story by heart - so encourage them to keep retelling the story and using the actions)

Remember to use the Word Banks that you made in Tuesday's lesson to help you with tricky spellings.

(Next week at school, I promise they can use all the wonderful ideas I know they will have, to change the story further and make it their own, for now I want them to write my changed story)

Wider Curriculum


Esafety - discussion

Why are there age restrictions on some games or apps?

Discuss as we get older we are able to make more and more choices but we must also trust our adults to make the right choices for us in some areas

e-Safety Multiple Choice Quiz (

End of the day story

Mrs Burton reads The True Story of The 3 Little Pigs

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