Monday, February 22, 2021

Tuesday 23rd February


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Ruth Miskin Training - YouTube 

(Set 3 lessons/Read longer words)


The Greedy Green Gremlin  for Mrs Burton's reading group to read

Reading for Mrs Pemberton's group - this half term we will be focusing on written comprehension, I would like the children to read the text at the top of each page and then read and answer the questions below this, they should do this independently

Comprehension p1

Comprehension p2

Comprehension p3

If you are missing reading a book, don't forget the Sora reading app (the link is at the top of the blog) where you can choose a book and read for pleasure


There is no worksheet for today's lesson, the video encourages you to try to make some 2d and 3d shapes with things you may have at home e.g. playdough, straws, lollysticks, you can be imaginative.
Alternatively go on a 2d and 3d shape hunt around home and see which ones you can spot.
Here is a shape poster to help you identify the shapes (We have not covered all these shapes yet)

If you finish quickly, try this

Hit the Button


My Maths



Warm-up game - Sentence writing

Here are some words - I would like you to write 1 sentence for each word - you choose what the sentence is about as long as each sentence includes 1 of the words. Think carefully about what a sentence should have.






Main Activity

Video of Mrs Burton reading our version of Dick Whittington for the children to learn.

Once the children have watched the video once or twice, I would like the children to try to retell the story to someone at home. Then make puppets for the main characters and act it out.  At school we will be making puppets using paper or card for the children to draw the characters on. Then we can cut them out and stick them on to rulers. Feel free to look back at the videos from today or yesterday to help you remember the story.

Wider Curriculum


What is a celebration? What do you celebrate with your family? What celebrations have we already learned about this year? Write down everything you know about celebrations, your celebrations and other people's celebrations


Esafety - Discussion

Why do we have passwords? What are good or bad passwords? Who should know our passwords? Why? 

What if a game says you get something you really want if you put your password in?

What if a friend asks you for your password and promises not to tell anyone?

If someone got your password and pretended to be you, what different things could they do?

Keeping information private

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