Sunday, February 28, 2021

Monday 1st March

Each day this week there will be an end of day story in order to celebrate World Book Day on Thursday


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Spellings - more homophones

Can you turn each spelling word into a picture linked to what the word means? This will help you to learn the different meanings for the words when you write them


Ruth Miskin Training - YouTube 

(Set 3 lessons/Read longer words)


(Warm up Activity)

If you finish quickly why not try this:


listen to this Shape story 
What other shapes can be cut into other shapes? What story can you make up about shapes?


Hit the Button



English - Live lesson 9.45

Today we will be looking at openers and endings to stories, particularly 'change' stories like Dick Whittington, where something changes from the beginning to the end (poor - rich) We will read some well know openers and endings to stories and think about how we could use them in our own story writing. 

Follow up activity(after the live lesson)
Children to write openers and endings for a story about:

  • a boy with no friends
  • a lady with no home
  • a mean dog

Wider Curriculum

Science- Working Scientifically

Think back to the absorbent experiment we did last week. Today we are going to do another experiment but this time we are going to find out which materials are transparent and which aren’t. Work through the lesson PowerPoint to carry out the experiment.

End of the day story

"Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Book?"

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Friday 26th February


Please send work to

Spelling Test - homophones


Ruth Miskin Training - YouTube 

(Set 3 lessons)


If you finish quickly why don't you try this


Hit the Button





Keep learning the story and actions (use the video to do it alongside Mrs Burton)

Main Activity

Watch the video of Mrs Burton talking through how to write a diary pretending to be Dick Whittington and then have a go yourself. Remember you are not you! You are Dick Whittington! Diary writing video 

Wider Curriculum

Science- Working Scientifically

Today we are going to do our own experiment to find out which materials are absorbent and which aren’t. Work through the lesson video to carry out the experiment

Forest School (optional)

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Thursday 25th February


Please send work to


Ruth Miskin Training - YouTube 

(Set 3 lessons)


The Greedy Green Gremlin  for Mrs Burton's reading group to read for the 3rd time

Greedy Green Gremlin questions to answer for Mrs Burton's reading group

Mrs Pemberton's group - reading for pleasure - choose a book from the Sora app if you haven't done already and read. Perhaps when you finish your book you could write about it so it can help other children to decide if they want to read it or not


If you finish quickly why not try these:


Hit the Button





I would like the children to watch and join in with the video again - we are aiming for the children to know the story by heart by the end of the week.

Main Activity - Can you improve these sentences?

I would like the children to add adjectives, conjunctions and extra detail to these 3 sentences to make them better.

(You might want to quickly remind yourselves of some adjectives and conjunctions that you could use before you start so you can try to use different ones)

Dick Whittington lived in a forest.

The rats were everywhere.

Dick's cat came back.

Now write 1 or 2 of your own sentences about the story including adjectives, conjunctions and more detail.

Wider Curriculum



Watch this link below and discuss

The dangers of playing with others online and what to do if something doesn't feel right

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Wednesday 24th February


Please send work to

Spellings -  homophones

Put your spellings into sentences so that you can remember which spelling means what


The Greedy Green Gremlin for Mrs Burton's reading group to have a second read

Reading for Mrs Pemberton's group - this half term we will be focusing on comprehension, I would like the children to read the text at the top of each page and answer the questions below 

Comprehension p1

Comprehension p2

Comprehension p3

Comprehension p4


Live lesson with Mrs Burton at 9.45

Together we will continue to learn the text, actions and look at Mrs Stones' story map for Dick Whittington (below). Children could copy the text map to help them learn the story if they wish.

Follow up (after the live lesson)

Now read these sentences below and decide where the missing capital letters, full stops and 1 apostrophe should go. Then write these sentences out correctly.

i like the story dick whittington because it has a happy ending my favourite character is the cat but i dont like it when the cat kills all the rats the sad part of the story is when dick is poor the happy part of the story is at the end when dick has lots of money


Today we are making sure we are really clear about the difference between 2d and 3d shapes before we look more closely at 2d and then 3d shapes. Many children confuse squares and cubes or circles and spheres. Here are some activities to help children to think about which is which

If you finish quickly, why don't you try this


Hit the Button



Wider Curriculum


 Listen to the song “Kingston Town by UB40. Think about these questions while you listen to the music: 
  • How does this song make you feel? 
  • Does this song tell a story? 
  • What does this song make you think of? 
  • How old is this piece of music? 
  • What is the style of this music? 
This song’s style is Reggae.  
Make a mind map of things you already know about reggae. You could include instruments, singers, songs etc. If you can’t think of many things, maybe you could do some research to help you.  


Joe Wicks Workout

Monday, February 22, 2021

Tuesday 23rd February


Please send work to


Ruth Miskin Training - YouTube 

(Set 3 lessons/Read longer words)


The Greedy Green Gremlin  for Mrs Burton's reading group to read

Reading for Mrs Pemberton's group - this half term we will be focusing on written comprehension, I would like the children to read the text at the top of each page and then read and answer the questions below this, they should do this independently

Comprehension p1

Comprehension p2

Comprehension p3

If you are missing reading a book, don't forget the Sora reading app (the link is at the top of the blog) where you can choose a book and read for pleasure


There is no worksheet for today's lesson, the video encourages you to try to make some 2d and 3d shapes with things you may have at home e.g. playdough, straws, lollysticks, you can be imaginative.
Alternatively go on a 2d and 3d shape hunt around home and see which ones you can spot.
Here is a shape poster to help you identify the shapes (We have not covered all these shapes yet)

If you finish quickly, try this

Hit the Button


My Maths



Warm-up game - Sentence writing

Here are some words - I would like you to write 1 sentence for each word - you choose what the sentence is about as long as each sentence includes 1 of the words. Think carefully about what a sentence should have.






Main Activity

Video of Mrs Burton reading our version of Dick Whittington for the children to learn.

Once the children have watched the video once or twice, I would like the children to try to retell the story to someone at home. Then make puppets for the main characters and act it out.  At school we will be making puppets using paper or card for the children to draw the characters on. Then we can cut them out and stick them on to rulers. Feel free to look back at the videos from today or yesterday to help you remember the story.

Wider Curriculum


What is a celebration? What do you celebrate with your family? What celebrations have we already learned about this year? Write down everything you know about celebrations, your celebrations and other people's celebrations


Esafety - Discussion

Why do we have passwords? What are good or bad passwords? Who should know our passwords? Why? 

What if a game says you get something you really want if you put your password in?

What if a friend asks you for your password and promises not to tell anyone?

If someone got your password and pretended to be you, what different things could they do?

Keeping information private

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Monday 22nd February

Welcome Back! Hope you enjoyed the holiday? We have lots of exciting new topics for you to learn about this half term.


Please send work to

Spellings -  homophones

What are homophones?


Ruth Miskin Training - YouTube 

(Set 3 lessons)

Maths - Shape

(Warm up Activity)

Teaching Video - Recognise 2d and 3d shapes

Worksheet Recognise 2d and 3d shapes

Answer sheet

If you finish quickly why not try this:

Hit the Button


Starter - Warm up game 

Spot the sentence

Which of these are sentences and which are not? How can we turn them all into sentences?

I like to banana
the dog is barking loudly
The old ate all the cakes.
Fish like in water
The tractor was painted bright red.

Main Activity

I wonder if this story will help? DICK WHITTINGTON 

Now answer these questions about the story (talk or write)

Who are the main characters in the story?
Where is the story set?
Which part was sad/happy? Why?
Which part did you like best? Why?

Wider Curriculum

Science- Working Scientifically

Last half term we looked at everyday materials, this half term we will work scientifically with these to learn more

We want you to gather 10 different everyday objects from around your house, try and get things made from different materials, then really look at them and think about the different ways they can be sorted and grouped. Don't just sort by material - really look at how they feel, how they look, what they are used for. 

Remember some of the words we used to describe the properties last half term

Can you sort by any of the words?

You could use sorting circles or tables with boxes or just piles to sort them. Find as many ways as you can to group your objects.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Friday 12th February


Please send work to

Spelling Test - le words


Sanjay stays in bed comprehension lesson for Mrs Burton's group 

A flight from New York comprehension lesson for Mrs Pemberton's group

Now write down the answers to these questions. Look back at the book from the lesson to check your answers

If you want to read just for pleasure, click on the sora link at the top of the blog to borrow an e library book, there are loads to choose from


Live Lesson with Mrs Burton - recap subtracting two 2 digit numbers

Quick recap of number bonds to 10, 20 and 100 then Mrs Burton will help the children to remember how to subtract two 2 digit numbers before they complete some or all of the 2 digit subtractions ( 1 page is not exchanging, 1 page is exchanging - the children should be able to do both )

If you finish quickly, why not

Go on Hit the Button and work on any of the number bonds you are not fluent with

Or I have set 3 homework activities on MyMaths based on tallying, pictograms and block graphs


I have another poem to share with you today, it is another list poem like the magic box. Have a read and see what you think to it. Ask an adult if there are any words you cannot read.

It is a list of what you might find in a wizard's pocket. 
This poem made me laugh and made me think about other things you might find in a wizard's pocket. What I love is there are no wrong answers, you just have to use your imagination. 
Now it's your turn can you write a list poem of 10 things you might find in.....

a giant's pocket 
a mermaid's pocket
a big bad wolf's pocket
a fairy's pocket 
anyone's pocket you want!
  • use your imagination
  • remember to start each one on a new line
  • try to add details using either adjectives or conjunctions or both
I can't wait to see what you come up with

Wider Curriculum

Digital Photography

How can photographs be changed?
Discuss how once a photograph is taken, you can do things to it to change it e.g. colour, size, crop etc. Allow children to have a play and discover what can be done with the devices you have available to you. Ensuring they save any changes that they want to keep.
End the session by talking about how some photos are completely made up and put together. See Teaching slides - is it real? and discuss.

Forest Schools (Optional)

Tell someone special that you love them by making a Valentine card with natural objects you can find in your garden or on a walk

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Thursday 11th February


Please send work to

Spellings - le words

Play Quickwrite - how many of each word can you write in 30 seconds?

Reading - 2nd read

Sanjay stays in bed for Mrs Burton's group to read the red words, speedy green words and then the story in the book.

A flight to New York for Mrs Pemberton's group, please read the red words, speedy green words and then the information in the book.

If you want to read just for pleasure, click on the sora link at the top of the blog to borrow an e library book, there are loads to choose from


Video with Mrs Burton showing how to put all the ideas together to create your poem

Now put all your ideas into a poem form. Each verse should start

I will put in the box 

then choose 3 of your sentences to make the rest of the verse 

Then again

I will put in the box 

then 3 more sentences

Then again

I will put in the box 

then 3 more sentences 

until you have created your own Magic Box poem  

Remember when writing a poem we start each idea on a new line

Look at the poem to help you if you want


Today I would like you to recap your subtracting (taking away). Please complete these subtraction calculations, there is a 100 square to help, only if you need it.

If you finish quickly, why not

Go on Hit the Button and work on any of the number bonds you are not fluent with

Or I have set 3 homework activities on MyMaths based on tallying, pictograms and block graphs

Wider Curriculum

King's Church Assembly

Digital Photography - How can we capture clear photos?

Look through the Teaching Slides, decide which photos should be kept or deleted, discuss the impact of light on photos, children should look around home or school for different lights and investigate how this impacts on photos - using the same object each time. You could record what you find on this photography and light sheet if you want. Finally discuss how to add light appropriately to get the best photos

PE- Dance

Session 3 - The Fire is put out

Forest School


Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Wednesday 10th February

 Carlton Wellbeing Wednesday

We are going to spend today thinking about the wellbeing of ourselves and the people in our homes. So put down the screens and be imaginative!

Your tasks for today:

Look after yourself and each other

  • bake or make together
  • laugh together
  • play together
  • walk together
  • talk together
  • read together
(If you want to read just for pleasure, click on the sora link at the top of the blog to borrow an e library book, there are loads to choose from)
  • colour or draw together
  • sing or dance together

If you need some more inspiration, have a look at this link which has 4 posters full of wonderful ideas to do together

100 non-screen activities for kids! (

Feel free to send photos or write or draw about what you get up to

Today is Safer Internet Day


This year in the UK, Safer Internet Day explores reliability online. 
The internet has an amazing range of information and opportunities online, but how do we separate fact from fiction?

Detective Digiduck has an important message for you in his story.

Can you create a 'top tips for searching online' poster thinking about what you learnt in the story. Have a look at the picture below to help you with your ideas

Further activities for KS1 
Have a look at the quiz below, how many answers do you know? 
Have a look at the activity below. Can you think of a fact and an opinion for an animal?