Monday, April 20, 2020

Summer Term Week 1

Week 1 Maths Tasks (plus TT Rockstars and Hit the Button to revise maths facts)

Please click on the link below to access this week's daily maths activities on Fractions.

(Please ensure you click on the Week 1 activity and NOT the Summer Term Week 1)

Week 1 (Year 2)
Week 1 (Year 3)

(These links can be temperamental if they do not work just search for White Rose Maths, Home Learning and then either Year 2 or Year 3)

Week 1 English Tasks (plus daily reading) (to be done in any order) 

Writing tasks (scroll through the pictures from the week to choose one you like best, then complete 1 or 2 of the tasks suggested)

Possessive apostrophes - scroll down until you find apostrophes, can you complete the task? (There is a video to help if you want)

Reading comprehension (there are 3 levels, if in doubt choose the second one)

Spellings - Words ending ‘-tion’ 
Use the following words: 
station, fiction, motion, nation, section, education, foundation, competition, lotion, direction, fraction. 
Ask child to clap and count the syllables in station: ‘sta’ / ‘tion’. Ask them to spell the first part and highlight that this is a word where the  /eɪ/ phoneme is spelt with single letter ‘a’. Explain that the ending ‘–tion’ is a tricky one that is not spelt as it sounds. Ask if they know how it is spelt and write it down. Tell them there are other spellings of ‘–tion’ but that this is the most common. Chant the letters in the word. Rub out a letter each time they chant but reinforce chanting every letter. Can they spell the word when all the letters are rubbed out? Choose another word and repeat the process. 

Week 1 Wider Curriculum Tasks

History - What is the name of our Queen? When was she born? Who is in her family?

Science - What microhabitats can you find in your garden or on your daily exercise? 
Habitats and Microhabitats

Art - Choose a famous artist, look at some of their work and choose your favourite piece. Can you explain why it is your favourite? Ask other people in your family to choose their favourite too. Are they the same or different to yours? If you want some inspiration on which artist to choose this might help

RE - Following our inspirational visit from  Mr Singh earlier in the academic year, we would like the children to learn more about Sikhism. Video about Sikhism BBC Sikhism

Picture NewsPicture News Assembly 20th April

Story: According to Google Maps, travel has decreased by around 85% around the UK.

Question:  Do we think people will travel less in the future? 

🌟Mrs Burton's Ongoing Project - Who is your hero?🌟
When I was in primary school I did a project all about my hero. It took me weeks! I learned lots of facts, made a booklet, drew and cut out pictures, and I can still remember facts about Gary Winston Lineker now! So it's your turn, choose someone who you admire, learn all about them, then show what you know in whatever way you want e.g scrapbook, PowerPoint, poster. This should be a project you work on over the next few weeks rather than complete in 1 session.

This week BBC Bitesize are launching BBC Bitesize Daily which teachers will be looking closely at this week so this may become part of the work we set next week, feel free to have a look yourselves.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I think I'm going to research my hero..the person who inspired me.
