Summer Half Term 2 Week 1
Weekly Maths Tasks
and don't forget
⭐TT Rockstars
⭐ Hit the Button
⭐ Learning to tell the time
Weekly English Tasks (plus daily reading)
Spellings - al and all making the 'or' sound
Can you find the 'al' or 'all' words in the paragraph below which make the 'or' sound? These are your spellings for this week
Can you find the 'al' or 'all' words in the paragraph below which make the 'or' sound? These are your spellings for this week
There was once a very tall man called Mr Chalk who lived with his dog, cat and also a cheeky hamster. Every day, he put on his hat and coat in the hallway, picked up a ball and called, ‘Come on, Fido! It’s time for your walk.’ Fido and his owner always went the same way so that Mr Chalk could have a talk with his friend Bob at his flower stall in the market. One day, as they passed the old castle walls, they noticed a strange shape stalking along through the grass. Just then, the rain started to fall in enormous splashy drops so they forgot the odd shape and ran to the market hall as fast as they could
Weekly Wider Curriculum Tasks
Geography - Look at a map of the world. Discuss the following
Can you find where we live? (England/United Kingdom) What countries are near ours? Can you find any other countries you have heard of? Are they near or far from England? What else have you noticed on the map? Do you know any very cold or very hot countries?
Read through the PowerPoint (Climate Change PP) and then do the experiment to help you to learn more, if you want to record your results you can use this Activity Sheet
DT - This half term I will be asking you to research, design, make (if you can) and evaluate something so before we start, this week I would like you to learn about all the things we need to think about before we even start Designing
Picture News - Virtual Assembly 1st June
Story: There has been a huge increase in people wanting to work in the healthcare sector recently.
Question: Why do people choose the jobs they do?
RE Ongoing Task
We would like you to learn more about the Churches in your local area.
What are they called? How are they the same and how are they different?
Think about why they are special to some people. Talk to people who have been inside to find out more about what is the same and different inside and why that might be.
Can you work out what all or most Churches seem to have?
You could also research 1 or more of the Churches and find about their history
or even do some Art or DT work inspired by them.